The Final Sin

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Welcome to The Final Sin, now the complete and easy-to-swallow home of FinalSin on the internet. Here you'll find all (or most) of his blog-based work in one, simple to type blog. I hope to be writing on a wider variety of subjects, and I hope even more that I'll be able to do this frequently. In the meantime, please check out what I've been getting up to previously.
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Legends - This is an ongoing project with Mufkin, a fellow writer. It's a story of thrillingly epic proportions. It just isn't finished yet. Feel free to read what we've done! Updates every Friday - and it's getting juicier each week!
My deviantART - I'm enjoying this a lot. Here you'll find anything I deem artistic, and also a bit of a bloggy blog (since I never really used my blogs for a webdiary anyways).
Eff Seven- My most productive blog, where I mused upon anything that came my way. I have a tendency to go off at a tangent sometimes, but I've been told it's likeable. Here you'll find articles about God, cats and anything else that I had a brainwave about.

The Final Sin (Archives)- Before I stole the name for this blog, The Final Sin was the home of all my gaming writing. You'll find my reviews and articles here. Reason for closure: Let it stagnate for too long. Watch out for my fresh game stuff soon!
NaNoWriMo - I'm entering it for a second go, yes indeed. My novel, Eternity, is shaping up to be an not-bad Sci-Fi. Reason For Closure - Completed!

See Also -
My photography on Flickr - Ongoing whenever I have something I want to submit.